Update 03/31/2014

Started by shmax, March 31, 2014, 09:28:57 AM

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- fixed display of form breadcrumbs in the "Form Info" section of the part details page (it was showing both singular and plural forms of each node in the path)

- removed reference to the downloadable category file zip (I don't think anybody but me ever used it--let me know if you need it and I can resurrect it)

- added a "Reset to defaults" button to the custom signature UI (requested by Engledogg)

- fixed some issues with "date bought"

At this point, there are no more known open bugs on shmax.com. I'm going to work on a few chores I've been wanting to get to, but then I'm going to take a break from meddling with the site for a while. I know it won't seem like the same old place without me breaking something every other damn day, but don't worry, it won't last long. In the meantime, if there are any little issues you've been aware of but haven't said anything about because you figure someone probably already knows about it and is working on it, know that nobody does and nobody is. So, this is the time to speak up!

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