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Topics - KidTDragon

When I enter purchases into my collection, I tend to enter the day I paid for an item under "Date Bought" rather than the day I received the item or the day the item came out.  Recently I noticed that my entries whose "Date Bought" date was earlier than the release date had the Date Bought blanked out (ex: release date is 12/30/2012, bought date entered as 6/30/2012).

Does entering a "Date Bought" date that's earlier than the listed release date cause a problem in the database? Should I stop doing that and just use the release date as the "Date Bought" for pre-orders?
I was adding accessories for some newer listings, and after submitting about 20 or so entries the options to add, delete, or modify entries disappeared. I'm using IE9 on Win7 OS.
Hey all. I'm selling a bunch of my G1 Transformers on eBay this week, as well as newer TFs and other stuff! Click here to see everything! All listings start at 99¢, and I do my best to keep shipping costs low.
When adding a new toy, the "Toyline" tree at the very top doesn't seem to be working. When I click on the "Select" option, nothing happens. I have to open a listing for another toy from that line to get the numeric code for the series.
Hey all. I'm selling more stuff on eBay again, this time it's Transformers  Reveal the Shield Windcharger and Reveal the Shield Chopsaw. Everything starts at 99¢, and I do my best to keep shipping costs low.
The sort feature doesn't seem to be working in the "Missing Information" section. No matter how you choose to sort, the list stays in the same arbitrary order it came up in when you first load the page.
Hey all. I'm selling my MOOC Henkei Hot Rodimus on eBay, as well as a bunch of other stuff. Click here to see everything! All listings start at 99 cents, and I do my best to keep shipping costs low.
After some prodding from Shmax ( ;) ) I'm building a light box so I can contribute photos to this fine website. Hopefully some of you veteran photogs can throw some opinions and answers my way.

First up: The desk lamps I bought say I shouldn't put in any bulbs higher than 60W. Should I heed this advice and try to find lamps that can handle 200W, or is this just the lamp manufacturer covering their ass?

Speaking of bulbs, the 200W GE Reveal bulb I bought is labeled as a "reader" light and is white instead of clear like the other two wattages. Should I look for a clear-glass 200W bulb, or will this be okay?

Thirdly: I bought a cheap 250 thread count bedsheet to cut up to diffuse the light from the lamps. Good idea? Bad idea? Is there a better kind of cloth I should use?
I never stay logged into the site, even though I check the "Keep me logged in" checkbox when I sign in. If I close the window and reopen it, I have to log in again, every time. Is it my browser or the site?
Beast Wars Metals D-40 Megatron has its country listed as Peru instead of Japan.
Are the production and assortment numbers printed on the box? If so, where?
Feature Requests/Announcements / Top collectors?
November 21, 2008, 06:20:47 PM
I was just wondering how the "Top Collectors" thing on the sides of lists works. I have enough items in some categories that I should show up on the appropriate list, but I don't. Do I have to sign up for that or something?