
Started by Spiff-O-Matic, August 22, 2015, 05:41:43 PM

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I don't know if there's a list, per se, but the Kinnikuman Wiki has most, if not all of their U.S. names mentioned in the characters' entries where applicable.
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OK, so for example on this one, what do I name the figure in Shmax, and what do I put in the search terms? MuscleFigures.com lists him as "Neptune King". I'm also curious about whether we should put and "tech specs" on them. I tried with this guy and it doesn't work out well because they're all measured on a different scale.



Neptune King is correct because that's what he called himself when he wore that mask the figure is wearing. You can put "Big the Budo" in the search keywords since he did go by that name at some point (even though it doesn't look like Mattel ever released a Big the Budo fig in M.U.S.C.L.E.).

I wouldn't worry about tech specs for these guys. We leave those blank when there's nothing on the packaging (even on TFs), and M.U.S.C.L.E.s didn't even have names, let alone package bios.
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they're all measured on a different scale.

What kind of scale? You can set a "max" for each tech stat bar...


Scratch what I said about there not being a list of U.S. names for M.U.S.C.L.E.s. There's a PS2 game called Galactic Wrestling featuring Ultimate MUSCLE (originally released in Japan as Kinnikuman Generations, and originally intended to be titled Ultimate MUSCLE Generations in the U.S. judging by what's shouted by the characters on the title screen; they likely changed the title at the eleventh hour to try to distance it some from the faltering-by-that-point Ultimate MUSCLE franchise. But I digress.). GWfUM lets you exchange coins won during matches for toys, which are hand-painted Kinkeshi (a.k.a. M.U.S.C.L.E. figs) each with what we can consider an official U.S. name. I haven't been able to find a list with pictures online, but I have GWfUM with all of the toys unlocked, so I can use that to look up U.S. names.

TL;DR version: Submit figures with the names listed at musclefigures.com, and I'll make any necessary adjustments when I approve them.
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Wow, nice find Kid! Thanks for all your help on this.


Sorry to bring this thread back form the dead, but I just got the sorta-official (?) Masters of the Universe M.U.S.C.L.E. figures from Super7

I don't know where they should be added, or even if they should I guess.


To clarify, these do appear to be official. They have a Mattel 2016 copyright on the lid and it says used under license on the back of the can.

I'm pretty sure the cans have all 12 figures in the line, but in random colors so the four colors available for each figure would be orange, blue, green, pink/fuscia (not flesh pink) and glow-in-the-dark. There are also packs with the regular flesh-colored figures available, but that color does not come in the cans.


August 06, 2016, 04:14:08 PM Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 04:15:55 PM by KidTDragon
They are official! So official, in fact, that they're already in the database (as well as Super7's other M.O.T.U.S.C.L.E. releases to date): http://www.shmax.com/products?q_filters_toyline=5845

The cans are definitely randomized colors? Ugh. Lemme think about how to handle this before we add any part entries. (Rassafrassin' random elements....)
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I have the pics done and ready to upload. I'm eager to get them up, what's the consensus?


I can't come up with anything better than: one product entry per mold with all the possible colors tagged, and users add comments for which color the figure is. If anyone else has ideas, let's hear them. And don't be shy; I've already set the bar pretty low.
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Am I free to add these yet, or are we still deciding how to do it?


*shoos away the crickets* Well, no one has a better idea, so go ahead and add them. We can always alter things if someone gets a brainstorm.
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Raising the dead here... so I have the new Robotech trash can release and tried to read up on this thread how to handle adding them, and I can't follow what we decided. I did a piss-poor job of completing this previous one so I don't have a good example to go off.


I think we decided on entering one of each mold and selecting every possible color for it (ex. one entry for the He-Man mold, with green, pink, blue and orange selected for its colors).
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